PDB Applications are due on November 1st 2022

Dear CUPE members,

This is a friendly reminder that the next deadline for the Professional Development Bursary (PDB) is Tuesday November 1st 2022 (3pm). PDBs are awarded to assist members of Local 3905 who attended learning events and conferences outside of Thunder Bay. Please download the application form on our website: https://3905.cupe.ca/wp-content/uploads/sites/137/2016/06/PDB-application-form.pdf.

As travels are currently restricted and conferences, training, and other study events have largely been moved online, the PDB now covers the fees related to these online conferences, training, and study events, such as registration fees. If you plan to apply but have not yet submitted your application, please submit your application via email (cupe@lakeheadu.ca).

Here is a list of application documents:

1) the summary or materials related to the conference or the study event;

2) the evidence for having attended the conference or the study event (flight boarding pass or the conference badge);
3) the receipts and the corresponding visa statements detailing the costs incurred (to support your proof of payment);
4) along with the application form

Reminder: Students who have graduated less than 4 months can still apply, but we will give them half of the amount they applied for.

Looking forward to receiving your applications!

Welcome to the new team!

A new executive team was voted for during March’s General Membership Meeting.

The new team is:

Temitope Ojo – President (serving a second year)

Lakshmi Preethi Kamak – Recording Secretary

Hamid Mortazavi – Chief Steward

Razieh Fereidoun Rajabi – Secretary-Treasurer

Siavash Hosseini – Vice President

New Collective Agreement Ratified

The new collective agreement between CUPE Local 3905 and Lakehead University has been ratified after a vote by our members. Our previous collective agreement with Lakehead had expired in August 2020 but because of the pandemic, bargaining was delayed. However, bargaining took place April 2021 and the bargaining team and Lakehead University were able to come to a settlement which was then ratified.

The collective agreement should be available online soon and there will be 30 copies of the new agreement (that will be available in the CUPE office on campus) printed as well. The bargaining team was able to secure a 1% pay raise for the years 2020, 2021, and 2022. Retroactive pay for the 2020 year will be paid out to both hourly and salary employees by the end of this month.

If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to reach out at cupe@lakeheadu.ca

In solidarity,

Madison Maki

Recording Secretary

Upcoming Ratification Vote

As of April 2021, the Bargaining Committee has reached a tentative deal with Lakehead University, and there will be a ratification vote on Friday, April 30th at 4:30pm to approve the new settlement. Details of the settlement will be reviewed at the meeting. All members of the local are encouraged to participate in the vote that will be taking place over zoom (please see email for Zoom invite). If you have any questions, please reach out.

In Solidarity,

Madison Maki

Recording Secretary