October General Members Meeting – October 5, 2023

We are having our General Annual Meeting on October 5th at 5:00pm in ATAC 3006. The room is located in the Advanced Technology and Academic Centre (ATAC). There are elevators at the north and south ends of the building, which you can take to the third floor of the building to access the room.

All GAs/RAs are invited to discuss their issues. The agenda for the meeting is:

Call to order
Equality Statement
Roll Call of Officers
Accept agenda
Minutes of Last Meeting
Matters Rising
Treasurer’s Report
Communications and Bills
Executive Committee Report
Nominations and Elections

  • Recording Secretary
  • Bargaining Team

Appointments and Elections

  • Stewards
  • Budget Committee
  • Membership Services Committee

Unfinished Business
New Business
Good of the Union

We will be sending you a zoom meeting link for the Orillia campus and those who cannot make it to the thunder Bay campus.

Please note that members seeking nomination for the election of the Recording Secretary and Bargaining Team attend the meeting as per the bylaws Section 12.a
“No nomination shall be accepted unless the member is in attendance at the meeting.”

Steward Positions Available

A steward is the first point of contact and liaison between your faculty and the executive of CUPE 3905. They are problem solvers, confidants, and allies of fellow members when it comes to matters on our Collective Agreement.

The benefits of becoming a steward are the opportunity to help your fellow students/co-workers of your faculty, gain experience in a union/labour setting, and improve your resume. There is also a $100 honorarium per term as long as you attend one meeting per term.

We are currently looking for stewards for each department. Our bylaws direct that:
“The members in good standing in each department shall be eligible to represent their department as a steward by either election or appointment.”

CUPE local 3905 will be holding nominations and elections for department stewards, please let me know if you are interested or have any questions.

In solidarity,
Saeed Zaker
Recording Secretary

August Professional Development Bursary (PDB) Applications

Dear CUPE members,

The next deadline for the Professional Development Bursary (PDB) is August 1st 2023 (3pm). PDBs are awarded to assist members of Local 3905 who attended learning events and conferences outside of Thunder Bay. Please download the application form on our website: https://3905.cupe.ca/wp-content/uploads/sites/137/2016/06/PDB-application-form.pdf.

As conferences, training, and other study events have largely been moved online, the PDB now covers the fees related to these online conferences, training, and study events, such as registration fees. If you plan to apply but have not yet submitted your application, please submit your application via email (cupe@lakeheadu.ca).

Here is a list of application documents:

1) the summary or materials related to the conference or the study event;

2) the evidence for having attended the conference or the study event (flight boarding pass or the conference badge);
3) the receipts and the corresponding visa statements detailing the costs incurred (to support your proof of payment);
4) along with the application form

Reminder: Students who have graduated less than 4 months can still apply, but we will give them half of the amount they applied for.

Looking forward to receiving your applications!

Best Regards!

Siavash Hosseini

Welcome to the new team!

A new executive team was voted for during May’s General Membership Meeting.

The new team is:

Erfan Azimi Bizaki – President

Mehran Aziminezhad – Vice President

Saeed Zaker – Chief Steward

Razieh Fereidoun Rajabi – Secretary-Treasurer

Siavash Hosseini – Recording Secretary

CUPE Special Membership meeting : Election of new Executives

As the last election was not in compliance with CUPE bylaws hence there will be a rerun. The election will be conducted by the National Rep (Mike Walters) on April 20th, 2023 by 4 pm. There will be a special membership meeting on April 20th, 2023, and the only agenda on it will be the nomination and elections of new officers.

Agenda: Nomination and Election of new executives (ONLY)
Date: Thursday, April 20th, 2023
Time: 4-5 pm
Offline Venue: LUSU boardroom
Online Venue: Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 994 6580 4753
Passcode: 388759

In solidarity,
CUPE Local 3905

Notice of Election of Officers of the Local

  1. Nominations of the Officers shall take place at the Annual General Meeting on March 23, 2023 between 4 to 6 PM.
  2. No nomination shall be accepted unless the member is in attendance at the meeting.
  3. The Chair shall administer the nominations and elections during the meeting.
  4. The officers will be elected by secret ballot.
  5. Officers of the Local are:
    o The President (Chair)
    o The Vice-President (act as Chair in the absence of the President)
    o The Recording Secretary (act as Chair in the absence of both the
    President and Vice-President)
    o The Secretary-Treasurer
    o The Chief Steward
    o The Trustees (Act as an auditing committee on behalf of the members)
    o Duties of Officers can be found in the Bylaws starting on page 7

Notice of General Membership Meeting

  1. March 23, 2023 between 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM
  2. The meeting will take place:
    o In person in the LUSU Boardroom, Agora Building room UC 2020 (above security office), Thunder Bay Campus
    o Virtual via Zoom
  3. The Local shall call an Annual General Meeting each year for the purpose of reporting to the membership on the business transacted during the preceding year and for the election of the Officers (Executive and Trustees).
  4. At the Annual General Meeting the:
    o Treasurer shall submit a full financial report, covering the preceding year, to the membership for approval.
    o Budget Committee shall submit a proposed budget for the following year
    to the membership for approval.
  5.  The order of business at the meeting is as follows:
     Call to order
     Equality Statement
     Roll Call of Officers
     Accept agenda
     Minutes of Last Meeting
     Matters Rising
     Treasurer’s Report
     Communications and Bills
     Executive Committee Report
     Committee Reports
     Nominations and Elections
     Officers of the Local
     Unfinished Business
     New Business
     Good of the Union

Annual General Members Meeting

Dear CUPE Members,

Hoping all is well. We are having our General Annual Meeting on November 23rd at 5:00pm in LUSU Boardroom. The Conference room is located in the university centre upstairs from the bookstore past the multicultural centre, turning left to the boardroom at the end of the hall.

All GAs/RAs are invited to discuss their issues. The agenda for the meeting is:


  • Call to order
  • Equality Statement
  • Roll Call of Officers
  • Accept agenda
  • Minutes of Last Meeting
  • Matters Rising
  • Treasurer’s Report
  • Communications and Bills
  • Executive Committee Report
  • Committee Reports
  • Nominations and Elections
  • Unfinished Business
  • New Business
  • Good of the Union

The minutes from the last general membership meeting in March 2023 can be accessed using the following link:


We will also have a zoom call during the meeting for the Orillia campus and those who cannot make it to the thunder Bay campus. Please see the zoom information below.

Topic: CUPE Fall General Membership Meting

Time: Nov 23, 2022 05:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 943 4809 6723

Passcode: 629784

We will be discussing a number of initiatives that the local is undertaking this year including:

We are also looking for people interested in be part of the local’s Bargaining Committee from January 2023 until a new Collective Agreement is ratified. The duties of the committee and members can be found in the by-laws: https://3905.cupe.ca/wp-content/uploads/sites/137/2021/05/CUPE_ByLaws_2011_Amended.pdf.

We will have pizza and pop for those who can attend in person!