Each department has a steward who can act as an ambassador for the union, helping students in need and keeping the union informed of any problems that may require the Local’s attention. Any conversations held with a union representative are strictly confidential.
Stewards shall:
- Recruit and organize members in their departments.
- Act as representatives of the Local to the employees in their departments.
- Within the Local, represent the members in their departments.
- Serve as the liaison between the members they represent and the Executive Committee.
- Advise the members of their departments with regard to matters involving the Collective Agreement.
- Where appropriate, process the grievances of the members in their departments and represent their members in grievance meetings.
To contact or become a steward in your department please email cupe@lakeheadu.ca
Stewards Council
Each department should have one has a steward who can act as an ambassador for the union, helping people students in need and keeping the union informed about of any problems that may require the union’s Local’s attention. Any conversations you may have held with a union representative are strictly confidential.
Stewards shall:
- Recruit and organize members in their departments.
- Act as representatives of the Local to the employees in their departments.
- Within the Local, represent the members in their departments.
- Serve as the liaison between the members they represent and the Executive Committee.
- Advise the members of their departments with regard to matters involving the Collective Agreement.
- Where appropriate, process the grievances of the members in their departments and represent their members in grievance meetings.
To contact or become a steward in your department please email cupe@lakeheadu.ca