As president, your duties would be as follows;
• Act as chief executive officer and spokesperson for the Local
• Be familiar with and enforce the CUPE constitution and our Local 3905 by-laws.
• Invigilate the financial business of the Local, as managed by the Treasurer.
• Ensure all other executive officers perform their duties.
• Serve as ex-officio member of all councils and committees of the Local
• In the event that an executive position is vacant, it is the president’s responsibility to carry out the roles of the missing officer.
• Chair all executive and membership meetings.
As Vice President, your duties would be as follows;
• At such time as the Chair internal (President) suffers a prolonged absence, has resigned, or is otherwise unable to perform the duties, the Chair External (Vice President) shall perform those duties, until such time as the Chair Internal returns.
• If the office of Chair Internal falls vacant, be the acting chair Internal until a new chair internal is elected.
• In conjunction with the Recording Secretary/Communications Officer, shall be responsible for administrative preparation of local education and training sessions sponsored by CUPE.
• Be authorized to sign cheques and ensure that the Local’s funds are used only as authorized or directed by the Constitution bylaws or vote of the membership.
• Assume additional responsibilities or tasks that are deemed beneficial for the Local.
As Secretary-Treasurer, your duties would be as follows;
• Receive all revenue, dues, and assessments, keeping a record of each member’s payments, and deposit promptly all monies with a Bank or Credit Union.
• Prepare all CUPE National tax forms and remit payment no later than the last day of the following month.
• Call give proper notice for, and preside over all meetings of the Budget Committee.
• Report to the Executive on all business conducted by the Budget Committee, including all Committee recommendations for Executive decision or action.
• Throughout his/her term, and on behalf of the local union membership, be responsible for maintaining, organizing, safeguarding, and keeping on file all supporting documents, authorizations, invoices, and/or vouchers for every disbursement made, receipts for all money sent to CUPE headquarters, as well as records and supporting documents for all income received by the local union.
• Make a full financial report to meetings of the Local’s Executive Board, as well as a written financial report to each regular membership meeting, detailing all income and expenditures for the period.
• Be bonded for not less than $1 000.00 through the master bond held by the national Office, and any Financial Officer who cannot qualify for the bond shall be disqualified from office.
• Cause all duly approved expenses to be paid –these must be co-signed by the President and Vice President of the Executive Board.
• Make all books available for inspection by the auditors and/or Trustees on reasonable notice, and have the books audited at least once each year, no later than March 31st, and within reasonable time, respond in writing to any recommendations and concerns raised by the Trustees.
• Furnish each member on the form supplied by the National Office with a statement showing the net amount of tax-deductible dues paid by the member during the preceding year.
• On termination of office surrender all books, records and other properties of the Local to the successor.
• Assume additional responsibilities or tasks that are deemed beneficial for the Local.
As Chief Steward, your duties would be as follows;
• Supporting the membership with workplace issues related to the collective agreement between CUPE 3905 and Lakehead University. (Such issues include: grievances, dissatisfaction with union actions, abusive supervisors or co-workers, sexual, racial or any harassments, Workplace health and safety issues.)
• Be familiar with and assist executive in the enforcement of CUPE constitution and Local 3905 by-laws.
• Attending all executive and membership meetings.
• Coordinating the Stewards’ Council*, chair all Steward Meetings, provide training, and support Stewards in their duties.
*The Stewards’ Council is made up of CUPE 3905 members who act as the first point of contact within their academic faculty. There are up to two stewards for each faculty in the university. The steward’s role includes being empathetic and considerate of their fellow grad assistants, to maintain confidentiality in dealing with stewards’ duties, and to attend at least one Stewards’ Meeting per term. There is a stipend of $100 per steward, per academic term.
As Recording Secretary, your duties would be as follows;
• Keep full, accurate, and impartial accounts of the proceedings of all regular or special membership and Board meetings, ensuring that these records include a copy of the full financial report presented by the Secretary-Treasurer.
• Record all alterations in the by-laws.
• Call give proper notice for, and preside over all meetings of the Membership Services Committee.
• Report to the Executive on all business conducted by the Membership Services Committee, including all Committee recommendations for Executive decision or action.
• Answer correspondence and fulfill other secretarial duties as directed by the board.
• File a copy of all letters sent out and keep on file all communications.
• Be responsible for maintaining accurate records of the membership of the Local in the Local office, including all membership lists and all other records which the Executive deems necessary.
• Be responsible for the compilation and production of the Local newsletter, bulletins, members’ handbooks and other such materials as are deemed necessary by the Executive.
• Have all records ready on reasonable notice for auditors and Trustees.
• Along with the Recording Secretary organize community activities which are in line with the stated values and goals of the Local.
• Preside over membership and Board meetings in the absence of both the President and Vice-President.
• On termination of office, surrender all books, seals, and other properties of the Local to the successor.
• Update the website with news, agendas, minutes and anything else decided on by the Executive.
• Assume additional responsibilities or tasks that are deemed beneficial for the Local.