Our Collective Agreement sets out the terms and conditions of our employment at Lakehead University.
Here are some key points from our Collective Agreement:
- Union members have a right to work and study without discrimination or harassment
- Should you feel discriminated against or harassed, make sure to file a complaint with the Personal Harassment Contact Person, or file a grievance (your union office or the collective agreement can guide you)
- Hours:
- Full-time assistantship: maximum of 270 hours, over the course of two out of three terms
- Half-time assistantship: maximum of 135 hours, over the course of a single term
- GA’s/RA’s work a maximum of 20 hours per week
- A GA/RA I can hold two full-time equivalent positions, and GA/RA III can hold four full-time equivalents
- Wages as of 2018:
- GA/RA I: $10,071.77
- GA/RA II: $37.29/hour
- GA/RA III: $10,983.53
- UGA I: $18.51/hour
- UGA II: $15.55/hour
- Learning Assistance Tutor enrolled in an Undergraduate Degree/Diploma program: hourly enrolment depending on whether UGA I or II
- Learning Assistance Tutor enrolled in a Doctoral/Graduate Degree/Diploma program: $24.66/hour
- Union members have the right to refuse appointments without losing eligibility for future appointments
- No employee will be required to work in an environment they feel is unsafe, or that they feel they are inadequately trained for
- The university will not discipline, suspend, or discharge employees without just cause
- Employees have the right to union representation
- Employees have the right to unpaid leave with reasonable advance notification
- If you have solely-developed course materials, you have the right to use this material in subsequent educational settings
- All materials required for your work must be provided for free, including keys