Steward Positions Available

A steward is the first point of contact and liaison between your faculty and the executive of CUPE 3905. They are problem solvers, confidants, and allies of fellow members when it comes to matters on our Collective Agreement.

The benefits of becoming a steward are the opportunity to help your fellow students/co-workers of your faculty, gain experience in a union/labour setting, and improve your resume. There is also a $100 honorarium per term as long as you attend one meeting per term.

We are currently looking for stewards for each department. Our bylaws direct that:
“The members in good standing in each department shall be eligible to represent their department as a steward by either election or appointment.”

CUPE local 3905 will be holding nominations and elections for department stewards, please let me know if you are interested or have any questions.

In solidarity,
Saeed Zaker
Recording Secretary